Lake District Journey


They say Lake District is one of the must go places in UK.
And I finally stand here by the lake.

Lake District is huge, though I just visited Windermere, Ambleside and Grasmere.
If you want to know about those attractions, you could check them out in those travel books and websites. Cuz Im not an attraction person...

Good point! so, what did I see & where did I go?
There are many lake walks, hilltop...for people to experience the nature scene. However, Im kinda lazy and sick thus I dont really have strength to walk walk walk in the muddy road.

Im glad I stay in Ambleside, a lovely town. The hostel I stayed gave me a warm welcome and farewell too. Also, it's on weekdays, there are few people there that I didn't have to share the room and shower with lots of people. They gave me a 7-bed room shared with no one!
The spacious living room became my music room too. I practiced piano playing everyday.

I spent my last day in Windermere. Still, there are many old people, families... Im like an outsider. Im an outsider looking for a restaurent for lunch.
I just wanted to have lunch and hit the road.
Cuz I was ill and it was rainning. I missed Leeds, missed my home.

Actually, it was kinda drizzling, I like it. But, as I mentioned before, Im not an attraction person, I think I relaxed enough. That's why I wanted to go home.

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