Accosting Day- 搭訕日


Actually it's no big deal... it is England, and it's not unusual to talk to someone else on the street. However, this doesnt happen that often tho.

After struggling with printing problem in computer cluster, we went binding. Chialing went back first, while yoyo and I waited to get our dissertation. Because Edward needs my sim card (top up) I asked yoyo to go to Montague check my post and then went to Ed's.
Still cant believe that we finished our dissertation. Thanks to Chialing and Yoyo. They both are too efficient!

We got our dissertation at 5ish. Yoyo took me to a cemetry/park on campus. To be honest, I didnt know we got such a place on campus. Tho it's nice and peaceful. We met a Chinese-major student, James, who just came back from Beijing. He's asking us if we need a language partner.
How come I didnt meet such a guy earlier???? Is it all destined?? (pooor me!)

He said there are more and more people study chinese. He met many students learning chinese in Beijing. I think this is what we dont quite know when we were in Taiwan. Because there are not so many people come to Taiwan learn Chinese. They didnt know it probably.

We told him we just finish our dissertation and will leave soon. But we could introduce him some Taiwanese language partners:P
btw, he is pretty cute!

After saying goodbye to Yoyo, I walked through hyde park to get back. I walked and sang. Suddenly, I found there's a guy walked beside me... oh.... I stopped singing.
He said to me, it's not bright today, why am i wearing sunglasses? Cuz...cuz, I drank too much last night, which makes my eyes swell. Correction, I drank too much water instead of alcohol.
Then we chat and chat. Seems that I still have my sense of humor that he laughed many times...
It's good to have company especially when you walk in a long distance....

Angus told me to enjoy my last month here. I also hope so...

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