

Many girls/ women address pink as their favorite color. Tho i didn't adore pink since young. Compared with pink, I like "cold" color such as green, blue ane purple better.

But why do I exploit pink as the background color of my blog? Maybe different colors do have different reflection of one's mood and feeling. As to pink, it reflects my happiness and suffering. My mood is definately PINK.

I go on this site nearly everyday. I hope the saturated pink can make me feel love. Probably it's because I don't get enough from my beloved.

Im thinking of new games to make the relationship more interesting; Im coming up with creative text messages to entertain him; Im asking for a proper date... what can I do? and How can I do?

They said to me "I feel u r suffered a lot," and "I think u should tell him, maybe he's waiting for u to tell him too." Well, can't he feel it? or It's me who take this too serious?

I absolutely "play" hard...

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