Watch Me Shine


I stare vacantly at the late-winter sunlight softly shines. While the freezing wind blows relentlessly. Strange weather condition of England. I couldn’t help wondering how it relates to people’s attitude and personality.

Since he’s been gone, I find many things that make me happy; shopping, gourmet food, and reading. Sometimes, I wonder if it started all over again, would I do the same thing. Definitely, I would say yes without regret.

It is not only a question of philosophy, but the aggregation of one’s experiences that make one choose which way to go. We accepted that we cannot make things change. However, what hurt people deeply are the attitude differences. I understand that it would no longer be the same. But he abandoned me just like I don’t exist. This is what really hurts.

I would rather be an isolated cat, the animal that I always admire, than a stray dog. At least I retained my pride. A person like him isn’t worthy of my tear or anger. I should know that. I have to work harder to glitter.Longer and longer day time suggests that spring is coming.

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